About Me

Alyssa Halpin

CYT - 200 hour yoga teacher training

I have been practicing yoga for 12 years and living with chronic pain for 8 of those years. When I first fell in love with yoga it was through the very physically demanding practice of Ashtanga yoga. A few years later when I began to develop chronic pain that practice no longer worked in my body and did more harm than good. My physical practice shrunk down and meditative practice soon became the only type of yoga that was accessible and helpful to me. And yet, as I got sicker and struggled through chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, and then a severe and un-named gastrointestinal illness, I knew I needed more physical movement as well.

I went through many years of struggling with this paradox until I found a style of yoga which was accessible to me, a holistic style of yoga that was about much more than just the physical postures. I strongly believe the world needs more accessible yoga and movement modalities, so I completed my 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification in order to share this gift of accessible yoga with the world. I am currently continuing my yoga teacher training working towards my 300 hour certification as well.

While my yoga teacher training certified me to teach yoga and taught me a lot, my own chronic pain and chronic illness continues to be my greatest teacher. I have learned a lot through living in this particular body and that knowledge infuses all of my teaching. It certainly would have been an easier life without struggling through chronic pain and illness but I would not be as good of a yoga teacher without it. For that I am grateful.

If you're having trouble finding a movement practice that works with your body, want to find more balance in your nervous system, and/or start a new relationship with yourself, contact me below to start moving, playing, and healing.